
Which Email Marketing Service Is The Best

7 Best Small Business Email Marketing Services

A List of Options for Building an Email List for Your Business

Email marketing is a tool for small business owners to reach current and potential customers and choosing the right application can help a company attract more sales. These services let businesses send out email campaigns, test the messages before they are sent to the masses, combine the emails with social media efforts, and track the performance of these campaigns. Choosing the right solution goes beyond simply picking an affordable platform or software. The features in an email marketing application can create opportunities to find new leads and convert them into customers. There are a lot of options when choosing one of these platforms so it helps to assess their functions to find the best fit for your needs.

Here are seven email marketing solutions that can help you begin to build an email marketing list and use it to grow your business. The subscription prices listed below were accurate as of August 2018.


AWeber is an email marketing program that provides 150 templates and a host of powerful, easy-to-use email marketing tools. Other features include:

  • Customization - Customize templates and sign-up forms to support your brand.
  • List Management - Collect, manage, and send to specific segments of subscribers.
  • Tracking - Track the performance of each email you send or an email campaign as a whole.
  • Deliverability - Use the tools provided to get more messages delivered to your subscribers.

Cost: Plans start at $19/month.


Campaigner is a simple email creation tool that offers 1,200 possible email variations. Other features include:

  • Tracking - See who's receiving, opening, and clicking links in your emails.
  • Customization - Pick from categories like newsletters, industries like real estate, and themes like special occasions.
  • Organization - Store your lists in Campaigner, and automatically manage opt-ins and opt-outs.
  • Deliverability - Get your messages delivered since 97 percent of Campaigner emails avoid spam filters and reach the inbox.

Cost: Plans start at $19.95/month.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is an email marketing tool that includes free personal coaching and support by phone, email, chat, and in person. Other features include:

  • Customization - Choose a customizable template and easily edit it with one click.
  • Security - Grow and store your lists in a secure, permission-based environment.
  • Social media integration - Promote your campaigns on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and see social stats.
  • Deliverability - Use the anti-spam checker to make sure your campaigns get delivered.

Cost: Plans start at $20/month.


Get Response

Logo © GetResponse

GetResponse is an email marketing solution that helps small business owners deliver information and convert subscribers ​into paying customers. Top features include:

  • Customization - Use the Email Creator to add photos and edit them inside your email, save snippets, and view draft histories.
  • Tracking - Track campaigns, compare follow-ups, measure site conversions, and segment subscribers.
  • List management - Import contacts directly into your email campaigns from your hard drive and from 16 different services and mail clients.
  • Message preview - Make sure all the elements of your email render correctly.

Cost: Plans start at $15/month.



Logo © iContact

IContact is an email and social media marketing tool that into around small business needs. Top features include:

  • Customization - Pick a template from hundreds of options and create custom messages with the drag-and-drop message creation tool.
  • Social media - Publish directly to Facebook and Twitter, and track the popularity of your posts.
  • Tracking - See how popular your emails are with your contacts by tracking opens, clicks, and unsubscribes.
  • Deliverability - Take advantage of a team of delivery specialists who make sure your messages get delivered.

Cost: Plans start at $32/month.



Logo © MailChimp

MailChimp is an email marketing tool that was created to grow with your business. Features include:

  • Customization - Select a predesigned template or customize your own email newsletter from scratch.
  • Mobile distribution - Use Email Beamer to send a campaign from any email app or your smartphone, without having to log in to MailChimp.
  • A/B Split Testing - Test different subject lines and messages to fine-tune your campaigns.
  • Facebook integration - Use Facebook to make connections, add fans, and get the word out about your newsletter.

Cost: A free plan is available. Additional services start at $10/month.


Vertical Response

Logo © VerticalResponse

VerticalResponse is an email marketing service that includes 700 templates and step-by-step email creation tools. Other features include:

  • Customization - Choose an email template, or create your own email newsletter from scratch using HTML.
  • Tracking - Track responses, opens, clicks, and sales in the dashboard.
  • Social dharing - Include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn icons in your emails so that your email recipients can share your email to their social networks.
  • Deliverability - Get your messages delivered with over 98 percent inbox delivery rates.

Cost: A free plan is available. Additional services start at $10/month.

Once you have your email marketing platform in place, it's time to start building your list and kickstarting your email marketing campaigns.

Which Email Marketing Service Is The Best


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